Adaptable and Resilient Mindset - Fixed vs Growth Mindset

Adaptable and Resilient Mindset – Fixed vs Growth Mindset

By Published On: December 18, 2022

Shifting your mindset can lead to extraordinary change to your life aspects on the personal and career levels. An Adaptable and Resilient Mindset can change your way of thinking and improve yourself, so let’s explore the following questions following:

  • What are mindsets, and why do they affect adaptability and resilience?
  • Which common mindsets help us to be adaptable and resilient?
  • How can we shift our mindsets?

resilient mindsets, such as growth and creativity, can help improve individuals in their job performance, academic achievements, well-being, and sense of fulfillment.

Mindset is similar to a mental lens that you use to see yourself.

More than impacting how you see, think and feel about things, your mindsets ultimately drive your behavior. For example, let’s say your colleague asks you to sketch a visual design for a brochure. If your first thought is, “I’m just not good at that sort of thing,” you may be operating from a fixed mindset—and the task at hand might make you feel anxious or even annoyed. It could lead you to procrastinate and avoid the job.


Fixed vs Growth Mindset

A challenge is a test that I pass or fail, based on my inherent abilities. If I am not already good at something, I will not do well.

I can learn to do anything I want. Challenges and mistakes are opportunities for learning and development.

Prime using a phrase: What can we learn from this?

Expert vs Curious Mindset

I should already know the answer and be able to perform.

I am going to ask a lot of questions, explore, and discover. I can learn a lot from trying something new.

Prime using a phrase: How?

Reactive vs Creative Mindset

I need to identify the problem and what is causing it so I can apply tested, well-practiced solutions to bring the situation under control.

I need to lead with purpose. I will empower myself and others to explore new possibilities and experiment our way to an innovative solution.

Prime using a phrase: Expermenting and exploring?

Victim vs Agent Mindset

There are many factors beyond my control that influence my ability to thrive, grow, and get things done.

Within reason, I believe in my ability to learn new things, overcome challenges, and accomplish just about anything I put my mind to.

Prime using a phrase: I can do anything to learn and overcome challenges.

Scarcity vs Abundance Mindset

A challenge typically involves limited resources, hard choices, and trade-offs that must be made.

A challenge is typically a potential win-win situation looking to be discovered.

Prime using a phrase: What is the win-win here?

Certainty vs Exploration Mindset

I would rather things go according to plan than take a detour that may end up better.

I do not know what the future holds, so the best way to succeed is to plan ahead but be flexible and curious as I go.

Prime using a phrase: Let’s explore

Protection vs Opportununity Mindset

I need to prevent something bad from happening.

I could make something great happen.

Prime using a phrase: Where is the opportunity here?

How can we shift our mindsets?

Using APR!

APR stands for Awareness, Pause & Reframe

Shifting your mindset can be achieved easily by following the APR technique.

The basic idea is that you bring awareness to your current mindset and realize how it affects your behavior. Pause to create a wedge in which you can choose to do something differently—take on a different lens, so to speak—and use specific reflection questions to reframe your mindset into one that serves you better.

Practicing APR

  • Awareness: Think of something you have been finding challenging. What does it make you think and feel? What are your mindsets?
  • Pause: Take a pause in this very moment to center yourself. Maybe take a few deep breaths or plant your feet on the floor.
  • Reframe: What opportunities would there be if you were to shift your mindset?

How to activate Resilience and Adaptability?

  • Activate learning during challenging times and develop positive habits.
  • Develop awareness to your mindset and well-being.
  • Deepen your connection with people everyday and communicate with empathy.
  • Nurture a psychologically safe environment oriented towards learning
  • Link your actions to personal and organizational purpose

I wrote this post based on knowledge learned from Mckinsey forward accelerate program.

You can check it from the below link, it’s totally a free program.

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Written by : Ahmed Hesham AbdElHalim

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